
60-90 people served per table (120-180 per month, 1440-2160 per year) since mid-2020

  • At least 4000+ since founding just at the tables

  • Most people who come by the table are taking items home for their families, supporting an additional 1-4 people for each person we see at the table

40 essential bags 40 cases of water distributed at each table.

  • Essential bags contain two toothbrushes, two toilet papers, two rolls of paper towels, lotion, chapstick, emergen-c, deodorant, toothpaste, first-aid materials, razors, bars of soap, cooking oil.

  • 960 essential bags, 960 cases of water per year

Delivered roughly 4800 lbs of essential goods to poverty impacted individuals and families within Point Breeze and beyond.

“Homies Helping Homies is a vital organization that provides our community with crucial support … They have done so much to build a strong network of support for our neighborhood and we are so grateful for the opportunity they’ve created for us to share fresh produce at their distribution tables. They’re terrific partners, and we love working with them.”

— Allie Hauptman, Rowhouse Grocery

“Homies Helping Homies has a deep dedication to serving their neighbors, and they have proven to be dependable and flexible in service to their community. After attending one of their regular distributions, it was very clear that they have put time and energy not only into becoming a well-know, trustworthy, and reliable access point where people can receive food and household goods, but also into building relationships with community members.”

— Britt Korn, Philly Food Rescue

The Numbers